Hi Johan,

The wikibase_item is returned as part of the "pageprops" response, so your example query is already requesting it correctly. If you look at the json response for that query, you can see wikibase_item present in the pageprops object.


On Wed, May 20, 2015 at 9:01 AM, Johan Mijs <johan.mijs@bibnet.be> wrote:

we here at Bibnet (a government agency working for public libraries) in Brussels greatly admire your work on the Wikidata project! Thanks to the addition of Wikidata indentifiers to the viaf.org project, we finally will be able to relate the personal names in our library catalog to Wikipedia.

What we do now (without identifiers): 
We use the Wikipedia API to query the ’titles’ parameter, based on the name of an author in our database. Lots of things can go wrong of course.

Example query:

Result in our library catalog (AquaBrowser software):

What we want to do (with identifiers):
Keep on using the Wikipedia api (because then there are no costs for extra development), but query for a Wikidata identifier (I believe it is called wikibase_item). I only find pageids as a parameter on http://nl.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=help&modules=query. Is querying for a Wikidata identifier possible? If not, what is a possible workaround?

Thank you,


Johan Mijs 
Technology Manager

+32 (0)2 213 10 27 
+32 (0)473 81 78 70 

Bibnet vzw 
Priemstraat 51 
B-1000 Brussel 

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