Hi fn

I'm agree, at the moment is not the way to go , I'm just checking viability of this for a future.

Pretty sure that data integrity will be an important topic for product owners and general users if this project gets more attention.


2017-05-09 14:34 GMT+02:00 <fn@imm.dtu.dk>:
Hi Quico,

I am not sure this is the way to go, - at least at the moment. I would like to have Wikidata open.

For instance, I don't think a publisher selling a book or a scientific article should be the only one able to edit specific property values. The strength of Wikimedia wikis is that anyone (more of less) is able to edit.


On 05/08/2017 08:52 PM, Quico Prol wrote:

I am studing the viability of use wikidata for store manufactured
products information, this is my project
proposal https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/WikiObject.

One of the challenges would be to protect product data like manufacturer
property value or like width, lenght or any tech specs that are defined
by manufacturer at the origin.

After reading Wikipedia:Protection_policy
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Protection_policy>, I'm
answering myself if it could be possible to protect only these property
values, for example defining a standart template for them, and make it
only editable by authorized users (manufacturers?)

greetings and thanks in advance

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