
Is there anyone here who would like to join a discussion on English Wikipedia about citation structure? Some of us at WikiProject Medicine would like to meet anyone in the Wikidata community who could say something about the future of citations and Wikidata.

At WikiProject Medicine we coordinate translation and reuse a lot of citations, and also do more review of sources than most other Wikimedia communities. Because of this, we are talking about deprecating template:cite PMID, template cite doi, and by extension Citation bot. While the problems people are experiencing are serious, I had the idea that Wikidata would eventually address a lot of citation problems but I do not know when that would be. If no one has plans then we at WikiProject Medicine will work for a quick solution now, but if there are plans, we would like to hear thoughts from anyone thinking about this.


Thanks to anyone who can comment, even if just to say that you know nothing about this and know no one working on Wikidata citations. We just wanted to seek feedback before we made great changes.


Lane Rasberry
user:bluerasberry on Wikipedia