Quim,I'm not familiar with GLAM or what you are really asking for here. Could you elaborate a little? Our group is actively engaged in writing bots for populating wikidata with trusted biomedical information and for using that information to drive applications such as Wikipedia. Processes for making this easier would be most welcome. A lot of what we are doing and hoping to do is described on this bot page:?-BenOn Wed, Jul 1, 2015 at 9:23 AM, David Cuenca Tudela <dacuetu@gmail.com> wrote:MicruCheers,Is that being considered in this new iteration?Hello Quim,There was always the issue of where to publish datasets from partner organisations like a http://datahub.io/--On Wed, Jul 1, 2015 at 6:19 PM, Romaine Wiki <romaine.wiki@gmail.com> wrote:RomaineGreetings,So yes, we are interested.Hello Quim,We have in Belgium (as Wikimedia Belgium) a partner organisation who is together with us working with cultural institutions to get open datasets to be used in Wikidata.2015-07-01 17:31 GMT+02:00 Quim Gil <qgil@wikimedia.org>:_______________________________________________Hi, it's first of July and I would like to introduce you a quarterly goal that the Engineering Community team has committed to:Establish a framework to engage with data engineers and open data organizationsWe are missing a community framework allowing Wikidata content and tech contributors, data engineers, and open data organizations to collaborate effectively. Imagine GLAM applied to data.If all goes well, by the end of September we would like to have basic documentation and community processes for open data engineers and organizations willing to contribute to Wikidata, and ongoing projects with one open data org.If you are interested, get involved! We are looking for* Wikidata contributors with good institutional memory* people that has been in touch with organizations willing to contribute their open data* developers willing to help improving our software and programming missing pieces* also contributors familiar with the GLAM model(s), what works and what didn't workThis goal has been created after some conversations with Lydia Pintscher (Wikidata team) and Sylvia Ventura (Strategic Partnerships). Both are on board, Lydia assuring that this work fits into what is technically effective, and Sylvia checking our work against real open data organizations willing to get involved.This email effectively starts the bootstrapping of this project. I will start creating subtasks under that goal based on your feedback and common sense.--
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