Hello Tom,
Thank you very much for your big review!
What I intended to do with this page is to get a mapping for some of the most important properties in order to be able to test "in real world conditions" the importation workflow. Not to do a complete mapping of all properties.
About which property should be mapped and not Denny said me that ignore some range of properties, even if they are deprecated, is maybe not a good idea because they may still provides valuable data. So, I assumed that I should not just ignore big set of properties because they are deprecated or something else.
> Most of the stuff in the /base/* domains should probably be ignored for a first pass and some, like /base/schemastaging should be ignored permanently unless they've also got an alias in the commons namespace due to being promoted.
Yes, you are right. Denny said me there may be some valuable data in /base/ and /user/ but for a first step, yes they should maybe be ignored. It was a mistake to add some of them in this first mapping page.
> I don't see anything from the /authority namespace which is arguably the most important part of Freebase
I don't have added these because I haven't take time yet to see how they are structured. But I will do it soon.
> There's a bunch of internal bookkeeping cruft included in that list that should be excluded, e.g.:
Thank you very much. I have removed them from the list.
> Overall my impression is that there's still a significant amount of very, very basic groundwork to be completed before it's reasonable to ask people to contribute their effort to doing/reviewing the mappings.
Yes, I wanted to move forward quickly. Maybe too much. When we will go to a more bigger mapping I'll do things more carefully.
> Has any effort been made to do an initial automated mapping that humans could then review?
Not yet, but I plan to work on it if I have time.
Thank you again,