2018-07-14 1:40 GMT+02:00 Peter F. Patel-Schneider pfpschneider@gmail.com:
I'm trying to get a good estimate of how often which qualifier predicate is used.
The obvious query times out, as expected, so I was trying to find a list of predicates that are used as qualifiers so that I can craft a query for each of them. There is https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:List_of_properties/ Wikidata_qualifier but that can't be trusted as it doesn't include start time (P580) or end time (P582) which I expect to be the most common qualifier predicates.
IIRC this is the complete list of property that are *only* qualifiers
(that's why P580 and P580 are not in this list).
Cdlt, ~nicolas