<grin> Markus we agree. </grin> Given that the lag of updates is measurable, it would be good to have an algorithm that allows bots to negotiate their speed and thereby maximise throughput. When such an algorithm is in bot environments as pywiki, any and all pywiki bots can safely go wild and do the good they are known for. <grin>

On 19 November 2015 at 11:06, Markus Krötzsch <markus@semantic-mediawiki.org> wrote:
On 19.11.2015 10:40, Gerard Meijssen wrote:
Because once it is a requirement and not a recommendation, it will be
impossible to reverse this. The insidious creep of more rules and
requirements will make Wikidata increasingly less of a wiki. Arguably
most of the edits done by bot are of a higher quality than those done by
hand. It is for the people maintaining the SPARQL environment to ensure
that it is up to the job as it does not affect Wikidata itself.

I think each of these argument holds its own. Together they are
hopefully potent enough to prevent such silliness.

Maybe it would not be that bad. I actually think that many bots right now are slower than they could be because they are afraid to overload the site. If bots would check the lag, they could operate close to the maximum load that the site can currently handle, which is probably more than most bots are doing now.

The "requirement" vs. "recommendation" thing is maybe not so relevant, since bot rules (mandatory or not) are currently not enforced in any strong way. Basically, the whole system is based on mutual trust and this is how it should stay.


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