Hello Brian,

It sounds like something that we do with WordLift [1]: we turn WordPress into a Linked Data content management system backed by our cloud services to provide Linked Data endpoints (LD Publishing, SPARQL and soon GraphQL). By analyzing content you write, we allow you to jump start your KG by cross-linking entities from LOD (namely DBpedia). Every entity and post you create has a permanent URI, some of the datasets we manage are also in LOD Cloud [2, 3].

Since we primarily target the Web, Search Engines and SEO, our reference vocabulary is schema.org, maybe this is a limitation for you?

Freeyork is an art website that built quite an extensive KG using WordLift [4]. We also support creating automatic widgets like the Timeline you have on your web site, just by referencing entities of type schema:Event [5].

Interested to understand if and how your use-case overlaps.

(Cofounder of WordLift)

[1] https://wordlift.io

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 InsideOut10 s.r.l. (IT-11381771002)

On Fri, 19 Jun 2020 at 16:56, Brian M. Watson <b.m.watson.1989@gmail.com> wrote:

Hello all,

I'm writing at the recommendation of Mairelys Lemus-Rojas after I approached her with the below inquiry and exchanged some emails about it.

I was wondering if anyone was familiar with a semantic/linked data capable content management system or blog that has autofill or nanotation capabilities. What I mean by that is, say I'm writing a blog post about Paris, I'm looking for something that would autofill linked data 'under the hood' by either a dropdown (a la Omeka's Value Suggest), a autofill (a la wikidata/pedia) or something that creates semantic blog tags.

I've seen a (very) bleeding-edge technology/proof of concept called nanotation that looks about right, but might be completely different then what I actually want, which is to find something that incorporates linked data, autofills URIs, and works like a blog/content management system.

So far I've explored

  • Recogito (https://recogito.pelagios.org/) is lovely but focused on annotating images/maps/preexisting items.

  • Catma (https://catma.de/) is lovely looking but builds off preexisting texts, not creating new texts (i.e. you'd have to write the text and then annotate it all.). It seems to be a Voyant on steroids. Nonetheless if I could combine Recogito and Catma, that'd be neat. The same program (? project?) also puts out forText (https://fortext.net/), which i just include here as it's also nice.

  • dokie.li (https://dokie.li/) This seems the closest, as it's focused on article publishing, annotations and social interactions, but unfortunately, setting up a Solid Server remains quite the technical hurdle for me

  • Atomgraph (https://atomgraph.com/) is knowledge graph oriented and installed upon previously-existing data, not focused on content management. Gephi on steroids.

  • Webanno (https://webanno.github.io/webanno/) which is specifically targeted at linguistically annotating the internet, not really creating content.

  • Wikibase: A heavily modified wikibase might be what I'm left with. In this scenario I'd make a Mediawiki, turn it into Wikibase, and kinda hack a blog out of it. Less than satisfying but would work if needed.

  • I also tried wiki.js (SUCH A NICE INTERFACE, but it doesn't support linked data yet) and OntoWiki (which looks like it also builds off a preexisting knowledge graph)

  • Anthologize: (https://anthologize.org/) also looks very close as a wordpress plugin but it is not linked-data specific so I didn't explore ways to make it so.

  • I've also explored wordpress and Drupal plugins (one, two, three) that are all obsolete or not maintained anymore

My longterm goal with this is to create semantic libguides and blogs. I really do think semantic libguides are NEARLY possible—maybe an API that pulls knowledge graphs along and wikidata visualizations, along with some blog-type software... I think it could be done, and I have some bits and pieces of it, but not quite the whole sandwich (so to speak).

I'm partially doing this with an ALA grant I got for www.histsex.com (soon to be www.histsex.org just in case you're clicking that in a week or so!). This "bibliography" is all in omeka and it works effectively like a libguide, but will need further plugins to make it all work as desired, so I continue to investigate alternatives.

Perhaps this is something that a grant will be needed to do in a broader way? Or is there something obvious I've missed here?

Thank you all for your time!


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