Google would not have sent over a large chunk of cash to help get Wikidata started if it didn't think it could use Wikidata. That Russian search engine comany would not have sent over a large chunk of cash to keep Wikidata going if it didn't think it could use Wikidata.

That doesn't mean Google is being malicious (about this, at least), it means that they are making a  business decision. As long as Google doesn't try to make decisions about Wikidata content or operations - something it would have no economic reason to do anyways - I don't have a problem with that. Just don't pretend that Google is doing this out of the goodness of ther hearts.

On Nov 11, 2013 6:27 PM, "Cristian Consonni" <> wrote:
2013/11/11 Denny Vrandečić <>:
> as you know, I have recently started a new job. My mission to get more free
> data out to the world has not changed due to that, though.

I am very happy to hear this.

Also, the mapping is awesome.

2013/11/11 Klein,Max <>:
> I regretted writing what I did after thinking about it over lunch, since it
> is not "Assume good faith" towards Google. Maybe one of the reasons that I
> was sensitive to it was because I'm representing VIAF in Wikidata, which is
> kind of the same as Freebase in Wikidata, and I wouldn't want people
> assuming bad faith about VIAF.
> Thanks for being clear and open about your work, its a real inspiration.
> With apologies,

Yours too, Max.

Thank you both for your very good work.


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