Hello all,
Only two days of birthday announcements remaining, and today's a pretty cool one :)
We integrated the graph builder tool into the query service. It's a lightweight tableau-style interface for visual analysis, built on Vega-lite, that's allows you to create and personalize your graph, based on the query results. Once it's done, you can also integrate it in Wikidata or Wikipedia, using the graph extension!
For now, the tool encounter some problems in Firefox, but works well with Chrome or Chromium. We'll try to fix is as soon as possible. Thanks a lot to Jonas and Smalyshev for your work!
Check out the demo video to see how it works, and try it with your favorite query ;)
The story of the day has been shared by Denny. Everything starts when you click on the "random item" link...
Check also the nice gift from TomT0m: Module:PropertyPath!