On 10/4/19 3:58 AM, Thomas Francart wrote:

I understand the wikidata SPARQL label service only fetches the labels, but does not allow to search/filter on them; labels are also available in regulare rdfs:label on which a FILTER can be made.
However I would like to do full-text search over labels, to e.g. feed an autocomplete search field, actually just like the usual top-right wikidata search field does. I would also be interested to combine this with a criteria on "instance of", to search only on instances of a given class.

Can I do that efficiently using the Wikidata SPARQL service ? or is there a separate API I could use ? (exemple welcome)



Thomas Francart - SPARNA
Web de données | Architecture de l'information | Accès aux connaissances
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Hi Thomas,

Remember, we also publish a SPARQL Endpoint for Wikdata access [1]. You can repeat your tests there too.

Example (note that the retry loop indicates resources limits of this particular instance setup):

Search on "Paris"



OpenLink Virtuoso version 08.03.3315 as of Sep 4 2019, on Linux (x86_64-generic-linux-glibc25), Single-Server Edition (378 GB total memory)

Same thing using the LOD Cloud cache instance, where data is a little out of date also:



OpenLink Virtuoso version 07.20.3224 as of Dec 19 2017, on Linux (i686-generic-linux-glibc212-64), Cluster Edition (4 server processes, 756 GB total memory)


[1] http://wikidata.demo.openlinksw.com/fct

[2] http://wikidata.demo.openlinksw.com/sparql


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