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On Wed, Jul 1, 2015 at 9:48 AM Peter F. Patel-Schneider <> wrote:

This helps in finding out how to reproduce the numbers.

However, I'm still confused as to how these bits of data are part of the
Wikidata data/knowledge model.  Where is the description of
getPreferredCalendarModel, for example?
 Is a *partial* description of what is going on.  Changes to this document
would be somewhat useful.  However, what I'm really looking for is a
description of how time works in Wikidata.


PS:  I note that there are lots of aspects of TimeValue that are only
suitable for the Gregorian and Julian calendars.

On 07/01/2015 09:24 AM, Markus Krötzsch wrote:
> On 01.07.2015 18:03, Peter F. Patel-Schneider wrote: ...
>> Even the very nice email from Markus that gives numbers does not
>> provide any information on where the numbers come from.
> I just ran a simple Java program based on Wikidata Toolkit to count the
> date values. The features I used for counting are all part of the data
> (concretely I accessed: year number, precision, and calendar model). I
> used the JSON dump of 22 June 2015. The program counted all dates that
> occur in any place (main values of statements, qualifiers, and
> references). No other special processing was done.
> Below is the main code snippet that did the counting, in case my
> description was too vague. If you want to get your own numbers, it does
> not require much (I just modified one of the example programs in Wikidata
> Toolkit that gathers general statistics). Running the code took about
> 25min on my laptop (the initial dump download took longer though). The
> SPARQL endpoint at should also return
> useful counts if it does not time out on the very large numbers. It uses
> life data.
> Best regards,
> Markus
> // after determining that snak is of appropriate type: String cm =
> ((TimeValue) ((ValueSnak) snak).getValue())
> .getPreferredCalendarModel(); if (TimeValue.CM_GREGORIAN_PRO.equals(cm))
> { this.countGregDates++; } else if (TimeValue.CM_JULIAN_PRO.equals(cm))
> { this.countJulDates++; } else { System.err.println("Weird calendar
> model: " + ((ValueSnak) snak).getValue()); }
> if (((TimeValue) ((ValueSnak) snak).getValue()).getPrecision() <=
> TimeValue.PREC_MONTH) { return; }
> long year = ((TimeValue) ((ValueSnak) snak).getValue()).getYear(); if
> (year >= 1923) { this.countModernDates++; } else if (year >= 1753) {
> this.countAlmostModernDates++; } else if (year >= 1582) {
> this.countTransitionDates++; } else { this.countOldenDates++; }
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