Thanks Stas!
It's clear that a user might ask any type of query from an endpoint according to her needs.
My concern goes further on whether such queries are valid or not in the underlying RDF graph (in this case BLZ) regarding SPARQL 1.1 spec.
You agree with me that this query :
`select distinct ?g { graph ?g {?s ?p ?o} }` seems to be a valid SPARQL query, but throws an error in WDQS service [1].
Any thoughts on this?
> I wanted to test the use of the queries below to list named graphs (if
> any) in wikidata service [a]. I've tried them without success:
We do not use any subgraphs in WDQS, so I don't think that query would
produce much of a useful result.
Stas Malyshev