Dear all,
Some of you may know, but some of you may not, that Wikimedia District of Columbia along with Sunlight Labs will be hosting a roundtable discussion on Wikidata and global open data this Thursday at the Sunlight Foundation offices in Washington, DC (see here: Katie Filbert, one of our Board of Directors members who's also on the development team for Wikidata, will be one of the speakers. If anyone on this list is in or near Washington, DC, please RSVP and join the discussion on Thursday. If not, please use this threat to discuss questions that you might want raised during the brainstorming session, or comments that you want to share with everyone there about Wikidata and its potential role in the global open data movement, etc. This discussion will not be focused solely on the technology or the development process of Wikidata, but also what features may make it useful to open data and other NGOs around the world, how to maximize its usefulness, how to ensure its success upon launch, and how to get the most people involved.
We hope that following this event and before Wikimania, we will write a report with a set of suggestions and comments that we can deliver to the Wikidata team members who will be in attendance at Wikimania in July.
Nicholas Michael Bashour
Wikimedia District of Columbia
Washington, DC, USA