I wouldn’t call that a bug – it’s documented to be in that order: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikibase/Indexing/RDF_Dump_Format#Globe_coordinate

> The simple value of the coordinate is the WKT string with the coordinates… The order of the coordinates in WKT is longitude, latitude (since format version 0.0.2).

On 20.08.2016 13:25, Alessio Melandri wrote:
Hi all,

I was collecting geodata from Wikidata and showing them into a map they look quite weird... So I look at them more intensely and coords seem inverted.

Try with a simple query like: http://tinyurl.com/ht9ffj3

And check the coords on a item and on its result in the third column. The third column have Point(lon, lat), isn't it?


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