Oh, wow, I just tried that out too, and indeed, it used to be possible to link to the L-number very quickly if I remember correctly, but now this is not the case anymore.

Weirdly enough, the SPARQL endpoint got updated with the new Lexeme very quickly. So I think these two things are not related.

On Tue, Feb 11, 2020 at 7:45 AM <fn@imm.dtu.dk> wrote:

I am sorry to bring more problems to the table, but the indexing of
lexemes in the "ordinary" elasticsearch-based search is now also often
slow. The Q-items are also indexed slowly, but there you can at least
type in the Q-number in the edit field and it will lookup the item. For
L-numbers, I have not found a way to type in and one would have to wait
for some minutes before L-items are indexed.

An example use case is the entry of "fordømme" and "dømme" where one
links to the other by P5238, see
https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Lexeme:L245454. As is apparent from the
edit histories, I waited over 10 minutes for the indexing before I could
link the two lexemes.

best regards
Finn Årup Nielsen

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