2016-08-21 19:06 GMT+02:00 Loic Dachary <loic@dachary.org>:
When the audience was asked for their preferences, I raised my hand and happily declared "Contributing to the Software and FLOSS projects !". Much to my surprise this was quickly dismissed: "we're only going to learn about tools, we create groups to use and learn about tools, not to work on a specific project". My interest for the Software project is known to both Harmonia Amanda and Ash_Crow, to the extent that I discussed with them my intent to recruit people to participate in the workshop for that particular topic[3], well in advance.

And I answered you weeks ago that I plan to organize a fully dedicated workshop on this topic later this year, involving local free software organizations like Parinux or Framasoft.

Sylvain Boissel

Tél +33 1 42 36 97 72
Mobile : +33 7 84 37 91 03

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