Dear all, 

Thank you for your answers. 
I do understand indeed that the purpose if Wikidata is to have structured data but coming from the GLAMs sector I was wondering how our data could look like in Wikidata. 
In fact it could be an interesting exercise to evaluate from the generic description how much information could have been structured in a dedicated property. This would be valid for Wikidata but also all the data standards including the Europeana Data Model. 
Regarding the dimensions, it is great to know that it is on your plate. I was wondering is there a place where we can see the classes/properties that are in the pipeline and participate to discussions around them? 


2015-04-01 23:51 GMT+02:00 Andrew Gray <>:
Hi Valentine,

The long, chatty, free-text descriptive element of Wikidata is really
Wikipedia ;-)

There is a small free-text field in Wikidata for each item (the
description, one per language) but it's intended for a short
identifying/disambiguating note: "1887 self-portrait by XYZ"; "Danish
artist and historian, 1912-1974", etc.

Dimensions are, I believe, being worked on.


On 1 April 2015 at 08:20, Valentine Charles <> wrote:
> Dear all,
> Thank you all for your answers. I will have a look to the different projects
> you have mentioned in your emails.
> In the meantime I have spent a bit more time exploring Wikidata for
> paintings as one of our project currently focuses on Art and comparing it
> with the Europeana Data Model in terms of properties. I have noticed the
> absence of some properties and I would be curious whether it is just an
> overlook or whether there is a real intention behind the omission:
> -Cultural Heritage data have most of the time a description property where
> you will find lot of relevant free text information. The structured property
> but inside you will find mostly free- text. I couldn't find a similar
> property in Wikidata but there is something similar in Dbpedia. Is it
> something you are planning to introduce or have you made the decision to
> exclude any free-text infromation from Wikidata for now.
> -While I was looking for painting in Wikidata I also noticed the absence of
> information related to the size/dimension of the Artwork. The information is
> most of the time present in Cultural Heritage data. Is it something Wikidata
> is interested in or has it been omitted intentionally?
> -Then the last question is about values in different languages for a given
> property. How do you indicate the language in Wikidata? Are you using a
> xml:lang attribute or something similar?
> Thank you very much for your help
> Best,
> Valentine
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