It looks like a lot of that phabricator issue was around Taxons ? For the Poodle to show a class of Mammal...
Seems like many of these could be answered if someone responded to
https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/User:Danyaljj on their last question about if an "OR" could be used with linktype with gas:service ... where no one gave an answer to their final question comment here:
I tried myself to answer that question and find either Parent Taxon OR Subclass of a Poodle, but couldn't seem to pull it off using gas:service and 1 hour of trial and error in many forms, even duplicating the program twice ...
PREFIX gas: <
SELECT ?item ?itemLabel
SERVICE gas:service {
gas:program gas:gasClass "com.bigdata.rdf.graph.analytics.SSSP" ;
gas:in wd:Q38904 ;
gas:traversalDirection "Forward" ;
gas:out ?item ;
gas:out1 ?depth ;
gas:maxIterations 10 ;
gas:linkType wdt:P279 .
SERVICE gas:service {
gas:program gas:gasClass "com.bigdata.rdf.graph.analytics.SSSP" ;
gas:in wd:Q38904 ;
gas:traversalDirection "Forward" ;
gas:out ?item ;
gas:out1 ?depth ;
gas:maxIterations 10 ;
gas:linkType wdt:P171 .
SERVICE wikibase:label {bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en" }