Hello Thomas,

There is a running RfC about this on http://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Requests_for_comment/A_need_for_a_resolution_regarding_article_moves_and_redirects


2013/3/19 Thomas Douillard <thomas.douillard@gmail.com>
013/3/19 Bináris <wikiposta@gmail.com>

This is not a WIkidata question, this is an interwiki question, if you understand the difference. I mean WD is a technical tool, but articles of different wikis won't fit to each other better because we have WD; if you couldn't link articles before WD correctly, it won't be easier now. Unfortunately, these problems will exist for long terms.

I got a related question : some Interwikis in the old system points to:
*  sections in an article in another language,
* or to article that are actually redirects on a section of another article.

It seems that wikidata have trouble dealing with the second case when the redirection exists prior switching to Wikidata new interwiki system. It solves the redirection and does not want to associate the Item. But when the redirection is created after the Item association it works ...

Questions :
* is there any plan to deal with section of articles, now or in the future ?
* are redirections to section a correct way to deal with this ?

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