Good luck with your edit-a-thon today [1] and it would be awesome if you could introduce Reasonator and Wikidata while discussing Wikipedia. I think it is very interesting that you just discovered Magnus through Reasonator instead of the other way around - discovering more of Magnus through his Wikipedia tools. So few people venture outside of the text-oriented Wikipedia projects, it's always refreshing to see someone in a public-facing capacity getting involved in Wikidata.



On Fri, Jun 13, 2014 at 5:27 PM, Derric Atzrott <> wrote:
>FYI, I maintain Reasonator, as a click on "Other/About Reasonator" would have revealed...

Oh, so it does. I have no idea how I missed that.  I promise I did try to look around.

>Absolutely. Do I take it that you volunteer? The code is at:
>I can add you to the codebase there, and/or make you co-maintainer on the tool.

I'll volunteer at the very least I'll take a look and see if I can find what needs to be modified and then possibly submit a patch.  This seems like one of those things that ought to be a pretty simple fix.  No need to make me co-maintainer; I'm not looking for that kind of responsibility.

>Because I sure don't have the time at the moment to fiddle with some edge cases in a secondary component of one of my 50+ tools.

Sorry if I came off rude or demanding.  That was not my intention.  With that many tools, I'm sure there are more important bugs.  I just wanted to add this to the list.  I'll take a look at the source and see if I can find where the issue is and how to fix it.

Thank you,
Derric Atzrott

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