Hello Everyone,

My name is Gabriel, I'm a Ph.D. student who's trying to research the relevance/quality of internal references in Wikidata (non-external URLs).

My first objective is to locate these references, and for that I wanted to ask you all for help.

Here, it is mentioned that sources come normally either if the 'reference URL' property (I assume for external references) or the 'stated in' property (I assume for internal references).

So, my question is, apart from the 'stated in' property, what other properties are used for internal references?

My goal is to parse these references, match them with their claims and see, for each claim-reference pair, how relevant is the reference.

Thank you!

Kind regards,

Gabriel Maia
Data Scientist and Researcher

gabrielmaiarocha@gmail.com | +44 7472 546312
https://facebook.com/maiarocg https://www.linkedin.com/in/maiarocg