On Fri, Feb 17, 2017 at 8:57 PM Kingsley Idehen <kidehen@openlinksw.com> wrote:
On 2/16/17 5:52 PM, Magnus Manske wrote:
> I have extended the resolver to include squid and reasonator as targets:
> https://tools.wmflabs.org/wikidata-todo/resolver.php?quick=VIAF:12307054&project=sqid
> https://tools.wmflabs.org/wikidata-todo/resolver.php?quick=VIAF:12307054&project=reasonator

Very cool!

Question: What would it take to have DBpedia URIs added to the 100
external identifier cross references? As you know, there are owl:sameAs
relations in DBpedia that have Wikidata URIs as objects. We should
really make the mutually beneficial nature of DBpedia and Wikidata
clearer [1][2][3], at every turn :)

Not quite sure I follow. Do you want to
* query Wikidata but open the respective DBpedia page instead?
* query DBpedia but open the respective Wikidata page instead?
* query and open DBpedia?