BTW, Daniel, there are standardized templates for "real" "interwiki" links (links to the entries with the same meaning in other languages on the same Wiktionary). It makes sense that Wikidata creates a db for that. Though, it isn't trivial and assumes meanings. Though, it seems to me reasonably possible.

On May 7, 2015 19:32, "Ricordisamoa" <> wrote:
Il 07/05/2015 16:03, Daniel Kinzler ha scritto:
Am 07.05.2015 um 14:56 schrieb Yair Rand:
Task 1 as described on the proposal page isn't completely clear on how it would
work. Would the generated "items" have Q-ids? Would it be possible to link
Wiktionary entries to non-Wiktionary pages in the very rare situations that make
sense (articles on particular series of (not-language-associated)
Task 1 (Interlanguage-Links for Wiktionary) would not involve Wikidata or
Wikibase at all. It would be a standalone extension linking pages with identical
names between wikis.

It's ok then! I have been thinking about something like that for some time...

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