Hi Thad,

      Some time ago I proposed the property exact match (P2888), which carries the same semantics as skos:exactMatch. There are efforts to but this property in good use. In this context it would only make sense to model all aspects of similarity mapping to Wikidata properties. I hope I am wrong, but I don't think a property matching skos:closeMatch, already exists. We could go forward and propose that property, similar to what I did with skos:exactMatch. 
Since you are from schema.org, I would love to see a discussion on all levels of matching between concepts and how to model that in Wikidata. i.e. should we also consider proposing skos:broadMatch.

Kind regards,



On Sat, Sep 10, 2016 at 5:03 PM, Thad Guidry <thadguidry@gmail.com> wrote:

We have a small taskforce effort at Schema.org (myself and a few others) that have been adding Schema.org mappings into Wikidata to help with alignment.

However, an issue came up where we did not have a complete 'equivalent class' between the 2 topics but had the need to say 'external subclass' instead.  Example: https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q474191

We searched and searched through Talk pages and querying Wikidata properties...but did not find something close to the meaning of 'external subclass' or a property that expresses 'skos:closeMatch' ?

Does anyone know if a useful property like 'external subclass' is available to use to help us with our mapping ?

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