Hi Günther,

      You are correct and I will fix immediately. Actually the information is not gone, bot the gene and protein knowledge simply got merged into one item. In the summer, some of the items were merged (outside the scope of our project) as being both subclass gene and protein. I then requested a revert, which was done, but apparently not completely. 
Thanks for noticing and I am fixing your example gene, right after sending this e-mail

Kind regards,


On Tue, Oct 13, 2015 at 1:34 PM, zehetner <zehetner@molgen.mpg.de> wrote:

does somebody know why suddenly the BRCA1 human gene item (Q227339) was changed into the protein by the BRCA1 bot in August?
The protein was (and still is) the entry 'Breast cancer type 1 susceptibility protein' (Q17487737).
While the mouse BRCA1 gene Brca1 (Q14862219) is still there the human BRCA1 gene is gone.

I just noticed it because it was my standard test gene for my program, I don't know if the bot has changed any other gene items.


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