I took a random language on rasonator : https://tools.wmflabs.org/reasonator/?q=Q14560&lang=bi result : everything seem to be in english ...

That's for the translation of simple terms. I have pretty much no idea of the grammar of that language. If youwant to generate a simple sentence "subject, verb, complement" you need a model of that language, which is probably a reasearch subject for linguists. I think it is simpler to find a user who talk this language and let him team up with a wikitemplate programmer than to build a software that is aware of the grammar of a lot of languages, with a formal model of the grammar and so on :) 

But I admit this is disputable :)

2015-01-02 10:58 GMT+01:00 Jane Darnell <jane023@gmail.com>:
Actually, I would posit that the inverse of that statement is true

On Fri, Jan 2, 2015 at 10:26 AM, Thomas Douillard <thomas.douillard@gmail.com> wrote:
Generated a grammatically correct same meaning sentence in all language in the planet automatically is way more difficult than finding a user that will write a template is his own language.

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