That's very neat! Thanks for sharing this. I kinda like the manual approach to annotation.

On Mon, Sep 8, 2014 at 1:43 PM, Markus Krötzsch <> wrote:
Hi all,

I'd like to share a little tool with you that has been created at a recent hackathon. Not my work but a nice idea that might inspire others:

"AnnoT" is a manual text annotation tool where you can, while typing text into an HTML form, select Wikidata items for some of the words. You then get (stable) hyperlinks to Wikipedia and some extra data displayed elsewhere on the page while you hover. This has been created by a team of PhD researchers and students (though, admittedly, rather skilled ones [1]) in essentially one afternoon. It's got some rough edges, but it still shows a nice use of the APIs.

* Demo of the prototype:
Type text, use the TAB key for starting autocompletion on words that would have a Wikidata item. It works better for me in Chrome than in Firefox, though I remember them testing it on both.

* Documentation and code:

This was done two weeks ago, at the Web Intelligence Summer School on "Web of Data" [2], where I had the pleasure to talk a bit about Wikidata.



[1] The authors, in random order, are: Peter Wetz, Ewa Kowalczuk, Bojan Bozic, Michael Luggen, Olga Parkhimovich.

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