
When we are to assess the quality of Wikidata, there are a few criteria we need to assess.
Arguably Wikidata needs to improve a lot on all four points.Whatever approach we take all four criteria are essential. Making Wikidata more complete is done by adding data we do not have from sources that are reliable enough. Timeliness needs attention from people as well. Increased accuracy can be achieved by comparing our data with the data from others and researching the differences. Bias.. do not know what to suggest except for making our data more complete, timely and accurate.

We do not need to wait for anything. We certainly should not insist on sources for each statement as this will not bring us anything re the four criteria.

The reason for this post is that our priorities are flawed because of Wikipedia think. Wikidata may be used on Wikipedia and it makes sense when Wikidata data fulfils the four criteria mentioned above,,

Please discuss this and consider the merits of the argument.
