It's that time of the year again when I am sending a reminder that we still have broken JSON in the dump files ;-). As usual, the problem is that empty maps {} are serialized wrongly as empty lists []. I am not sure if there is any open bug that tracks this, so I am sending an email. There was one, but it was closed [1].
As you know (I had sent an email a while ago), there are some remaining problems of this kind in the JSON dump, and also in the live exported JSON, e.g.,
https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Special:EntityData/Q4383128.json (uses [] as a value for snaks: this item has a reference with an empty list of snaks, which is an error by itself)
However, the situation is considerably worse in the XML dumps, which have seen less usage since we have JSON, but as it turns out are still preferred by some users. Surprisingly (to me), the JSON content in the XML dumps is still not the same as in the JSON dumps. A large part of the records in the XML dump is broken because of the map-vs-list issue.
For example, the latest dump of current revisions [2] has countless instances of the problem. The first is in the item Q3261 (empty list for claims), but you can easily find more by grepping for things like
It seems that all empty maps are serialized wrongly in this dump (aliases, descriptions, claims, ...). In contrast, the site's export simply omits the key of empty maps entirely, see
The JSON in the JSON dumps is the same.
[1] https://github.com/wmde/WikibaseDataModelSerialization/issues/77 [2] http://dumps.wikimedia.org/wikidatawiki/20150207/wikidatawiki-20150207-pages...