Hi Markus, Nemo and Wikidatans, 

In a "[Wikidata] How many languages supports Wikibase/Wikidata?" thread beginning May 26, Jan Macura writes 

Hi all,

looking into [1] I read that Wikidata supports 358 languages. Is it still true? For example, I tried to add label in language coded as "nan" (defined in ISO 639-3) and it worked. However it didn't worked for e.g. "arb", which is also part of the ISO 639-3 standard. So how many?


[1] VRANDEČIĆDennyKRÖTZSCH, Markus. Wikidata: A Free Collaborative KnowledgebaseCommunications of the ACM. 2014-10, Vol. 57 No. 10, 7885. DOI 10.1145/2629489. http://cacm.acm.org/magazines/2014/10/178785-wikidata/fulltext

Thanks for helping to focus these unfolding Wikdaata language development questions, Markus. 


On Sep 7, 2016 12:04 PM, "Markus Bärlocher" <markus.baerlocher@lau-net.de> wrote:
Hi Nemo,

>> I need the relation between ISO 639-3 and WP-shortcuts
> I still have no idea what you mean by WP-shortcuts

I'm not a programmer nor a language specialist.
Sorry for my Swiss school English...

I have found this:
Contains 400 languages - but WP says that WP has 293 languages,
see: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Sprachen

>From there from column "Language" I extracted two columns
- language name local in local writing system
- language name English :-)

In the first list there are eight columns with
Wiki-language-abreviations (2, 3, 6, 7 and 8 characters).
But ISO 639-3 should have exact 3 characters?

I don't have a full ISO 639-3 list, and I don't like to try a matching
between a such list and the WP-language-abreviations by hand ;-)

> https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Language_code has all the pointers you
> need and

Here I read that ISO 639-3 is required:
but I can't find a such list.

> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ISO_639-1_codes has most
> of the equivalencies between ISO 639-1 and ISO 639-3.

Here I count 185 languages.
And I have no idea how to merge this with the other tables with 293 or
400 languages...

I hope that there is somewhere in the Wikimedia-space a table of all
used 293 WP-languages with:
- ISO 639-3
- language name local in local writing system
- language name English

I hope my needs are more clear now?

Bests, Markus

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