If you have the PubChem CID, you can try http://tinyurl.com/goefnxy (example:CO2)

On Mon, Apr 25, 2016 at 4:03 PM Herman Bergwerf <hermanbergwerf@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi all! I'm building a web application where users can search for protein/compound/etc. names and view their 3D structure using WebGL. I'm currently using the PubChem (chemical compounds database) API to provide some autocomplete data, but I found that Wikidata also has many chemical compound names with PubChem indices! The most important reason to try to autocomplete compound names via Wikidata is to allow users to search in different languages. PubChem generally only provides English names. However, I could not find a suitable API for this. I tried building a SPARQL query but that quickly became very slow. I could not find an option to limit full-text searches to a specific subclass in the search API provided by: https://www.wikidata.org/w/api.php?action=help&modules=wbsearchentities.
Do you have any ideas? The only option I see for now is iterating each response entity and looking up their subclass of/instance of property.
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