Sure, there are lots of types of suggestions one can imagine. We could draw attention to potential mistakes, suggest common qualifiers for specific properties, etc. I have narrowed my confusion about the current proposal for implementing qualifiers. I do think making qualifiers be a list of properties is the correct way to go. So for our common example of historic population numbers we will use a property like "publication date" of a work? Because the report is a work that has a publication date, and that date is the qualifier for the population property of the city item. However, I do think the data model primer currently gives an example of a qualifier that should just be data included in properties on an item. It refers to the election date and party of Angela Merkel as qualifiers, but that information is actual knowledge with references in the encyclopedia, so it should be included as properties of the Angela Merkel item, not as qualifiers for a value of the head of state property of the Germany item. Then things like including "as of" or "since" for population dates will be handled by the inclusion syntax in the articles, correct?

> From:
> Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2013 17:34:05 +0000
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Wikidata-l] Expiration date for data
> On 21 March 2013 15:39, Michael Hale <> wrote:
> > Great post. Regarding the suggestions feature, it seems the easiest way to
> > get that rolling would be to have a bot that would periodically tally all of
> > the properties for all of the items that have an "is a" property with the
> > same value. Then we could say most of the items with "is a _" have a _. Then
> > anytime you set an "is a" property you could automatically get suggestions
> > for what properties to add. Guided growth without suffocation from
> > constraints.
> And conversely, advice on unusual combinations: "Only 1 of the 54,687
> items with "population" values also have a value for "flavour". Did
> you mean to include this?"
> --
> - Andrew Gray
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