On Fri, Mar 28, 2014 at 3:31 PM, Luca Martinelli <martinelliluca@gmail.com> wrote:
I'm just on the technical part of the project, so I don't know why the
universities didn't share the original texts too. It should be noted
also that this project started with clear boundaries, and we cannot
press too much the institutions to release data they don't want -
still - to share.

At the present moment, there is a lot of discussions and "lobbying" to explain that the Universities could benefit in releasing the transcriptions (and other data) in CC licenses, but it's a long battle.
We will win, of course :-)

As Luca was saying, we are very proud of this projects, and hopefully more insights and feedbacks will come in the future, from the academic community. 
At the present moment, Wikibase is proving itself a great software for collaboration with structured data (which of course was the goal from the beginning).
