
I've been trying to create a query in the online editor such that I can retrieve a relationship, unknown to me in advance, for two alpha-numeric IDs (those Q numbers). 

So for instance, I have Terrell Buckley (Q5571382) and Miami Dolphins (Q223243) I was trying to maybe use one of them as a 'TREE' and then check to see if the other was existing on one of the nodes and them take the relationship that equates to the link traversed to get from one to the other, is that reasonable? 

But so far I've not been able to figure it out nor find any illuminating resources online. 

In general, with two IDs I'd like to write a program that will query Wikidata and find the relationship between them. I know the problem of semantic relatedness, like Boston the band and Boston the city, but, I guess I'll worry about that next. 

I posted this exact question earlier to '
wiki-research-l@lists.wikimedia.org' but I guess actually its pretty specific to wikidata, so I think this is a better place for it. Isn't it?

Thank you for you consideration. 

