I would recommend posting this also to the Wikicite mailinglist, which is community that discusses this on Wikidata : wikicite-discuss@wikimedia.org_______________________________________________On Thu, May 24, 2018 at 11:41 AM, Andreas Dittrich <dittricha@gmail.com> wrote:Dear List,currently I am working on a digital bibliography of all published texts by the Austrian writer Ilse Aichinger. My intention is to make this list publicly available as a digitally structured database. I found that wikidata could be the right place for this. (Am I right?)At first I wanted to use the FRBR vocabulary to describe the relations between the texts, but librarians recommended to use BIBFRAME, as this seems to get to be the standard vocabulary – and wikidata also uses this vocabulary, as I learned from the wikidata-project group Wikidata:WikiProject_Books. --- Currently I am recording the bibliographic units locally in BIBTEX format (because I started in this format). Later on I will transform the dataset to BIBFRAME and the wikidata-bibframe-vocabulary so that I can load it to wikidata.Now I would like to ask you: Are there comparable, perhaps even exemplary projects for bibliographies on wikidata? Which ones? Should I suggest or announce the project somewhere? Do you have recommendations regarding the workflow (e.g. is quickstatements-tool the best way to push my data to wikidata)? Is someone here with experience regarding building a bibliography in wikidata?With best regards,
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