I am afraid that those questions does not have as simple and straight-forward answers as the first one...

On Mon, 2 Sep 2019 at 17:39, Olaf Simons <olaf.simons@pierre-marteau.com> wrote:
Is there an elegant way to get data out of wikidata in a format that you can then fill back into another Wikibase without the pain of such conversions (like splitting coordinates, changing columns, changing the prefixes...)

I quite agree with what Eugene has written -- it depends what is elegant for you. Sadly, I have no experience with other Wikibase instances, so I have no idea how the input for it might look like. But SPARQL has quite useful string functions that might come handy in this case: https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/SPARQL/Expressions_and_Functions#Functions_on_Strings
Question 2 is related: When you extract dates with the QueryService that will change just years like 1971  from 1971-00-00 into 1971-01-01 dates. I felt unable to tell whether such a date was just a year or actually a January 1 entry. Is there a way to get the exact date as it has been put in to Wikibase back from the QueryService?

Sorry, I am not familiar with the date representations in Wikibase enough to provide a meaningful answer.

Best regards,