If you could store queries, you could also store queries for each item that is about a list of things, so that the query returns exactly the things that should be in the list ... could be useful.

This also applies to a huge number of Wikipedia categories (the non subjective ones). It would be extremely useful to have queries describing them attached to the Wikidata items for the categories.

On 24 August 2016 at 02:31, Ananth Subray <ananth.subray@gmail.com> wrote:

From: Stas Malyshev
Sent: ‎24-‎08-‎2016 12:33 AM
To: Discussion list for the Wikidata project.
Subject: Re: [Wikidata] A property to exemplify SPARQL queries associated witha property


> Relaying a question from a brief discussion on Twitter [1], I am curious
> to hear how people feel about the idea of creating a a "SPARQL query
> example" property for properties, modeled after "Wikidata property
> example" [2]?

Might be nice, but we need a good way to present the query in the UI
(see below).

> This would allow people to discover queries that exemplify how the
> property is used in practice. Does the approach make sense or would it
> stretch too much the scope of properties of properties? Are there better
> ways to reference SPARQL examples and bring them closer to their source?

I think it may be a good idea to start thinking about some way of
storing queries on Wikidata maybe? On one hand, they are just strings,
on the other hand, they are code - like CSS or Javascript - and storing
them just as strings may be inconvenient. Maybe .sparql file extension
handler like we have for .js and .json and so on?

Stas Malyshev

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