
It might be helpful for you to get confirmation that there are no excellent polished Wikidata tutorials in existence.

The good tutorials are made by people who know Wikidata, like the one EMW shared, but EMW is not a graphic designer and made a practical presentation rather than a corporate scripted slideset.

Your "poof it works" article is the state of the art.

It is all very casual and everything understates how important and revolutionary Wikidata is. I still show your article to lots of people. Of all the Wikidata narratives I have read I like yours the best.


On Thu, Dec 3, 2015 at 4:31 PM, Benjamin Good <> wrote:
The gene wiki people are hosting a tutorial on wikidata in Cambridge, UK next Monday [1].  In the interest of making the best tutorial in the least amount of preparation time.. I was wondering if anyone on the list had content (slides, handouts, cheatsheets) that they had already used successfully and might want to share?  We are assembling the structure of the 90 minute session in a google doc [2], feel free to chime in there !  And of course everything we generate for that will be available online as soon as it exists.



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Lane Rasberry
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