Congratulations, Finn!

On Jan 20, 2016 4:51 PM, "Finn Aarup Nielsen" <> wrote:

My 'Littar' (literature radar) website/app won second prize in DBC's
(Danish Library Center) app competition last week at the Data Science Day.

Littar displays narrative locations from literary works on a map, -
presently only Danish locations. Data comes from Wikidata P840 and
presently colored according to P136 using the Leaflet marker. Text is
from the P1683 qualifier under P840:

The data is obtained with one big SPARQL query and processed through Python.

Most data are entered by me with narrative locations specified as
detailed as possible, e.g., to streets and cafés.

...and yes I have already been told I should link the elements on the
map to Wikidata.

Some Danish information and pictures are here:

Finn Årup Nielsen

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