In terms of "List Generation Input," would it make sense to add a basic intro tutorial (in video perhaps - is there one even?) about how to create a new large list in the first place in Wikipedia based on Wikidata / Wikibase, as well as a possible sandbox for exploring this? (When I google searched on "starting a long list in Wikipedia," I found this - "This help page explains how to create and edit lists on the English Wikipedia," which also doesn't mention Wikidata).
Say, for example, I wanted to create a complete list of all languages in Wikipedia beginning with Glottolog's CC list here - - with 7,943 entries in languages (to create wiki schools for open teaching and learning in those languages (using WUaS's Subject Template -, how would I begin to do this? (WUaS donated CC WUaS to Wikidata last autumn). (Similarly with all species, beginning with a complete CC list, for example, and in order to eventually co-develop, for example, an all-species' image recognition application - hold your smartphone up to any species anywhere, and identify it - and in any language), how would I begin to add such lists to Wikipedia with Wikidata?