Hello, good time. I am Amir Memari. My Wikipedia has been deleted. Please recreate Wikipedia for me. I will enter detailed information for you. Create me based on the transfer market. I am a professional football player.

در تاریخ پنجشنبه 14 دسامبر 2023،‏ 4:52 Thad Guidry <> نوشت:
Silvia and Giovanna,

Great post on the challenges still facing librarians with Wikidata!

But it looks like data models (community/wiki created) still have alignment issues with the library world and one of the Jamboards reflected that concern here:
"Trying to standardize a data model in a domain when other editors have followed inconsistent practices. I don't want to just edit their items to fit my model, but I don't know a better solution"

Did the LD4 workshop or WikiProject Libraries have a review of some of the existing EntitySchema's that are now pretty solid from the community's point of view?

For example, reviewing the following for gaps or holes or data model misalignment with the library world:

I would have thought that the WikiProject Libraries project page would actually begin to have a listing of some of the EntitySchema's being solidified.
And any discussions on each EntitySchema to happen on their individual Discussion page.

My expectation was that Libraries were going to jump for joy once we released EntitySchema's, but I don't see them being referenced, used, or discussed much at all on the various WikiProject pages that concern libraries?

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