One "typical" approach for a data set this type and size is Mix'n'match:

If you get a list of IDs and names, let me know.

On Tue, Sep 6, 2016 at 7:17 PM Brill Lyle <> wrote:
Hi Wikidatans,

After going past my 500th edit on Wikidata #Whee! I was hoping to dip my toe into doing something that would involve a larger scale project, like adding database information to Wikidata.

There's a database I use all the time that is excellent, rich, deep, and well-deployed -- at

main search page:
example page:

I started a Property proposal here:

I have also contacted the folks over at JewishGen to ask if they might provide me with raw data, initially even just with the locality page IDs, then hopefully more rich / fuller data that's in the database.

I was wondering if this is 

(a) the typical approach people use when importing data
(b) if you have any advice / best practices to share
(c) also, if I should try and do a wget to scrub for this data (if that's even possible)? do people do this to grab data?

This information, I envision being used as part of a unique identifier that could be built into infoboxes, and might also be a sort of templatized box even (although I don't hugely love the issue of restricted / redirected editing away from Wikipedia). But I would really like to see this information in a pathway to Wikipedia. I think it would improve a lot of these town pages, a lot of which are stubs.

Best -- and thanks in advance for any advice,


Erika Herzog
Wikipedia User:BrillLyle
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