Dear JFC,

we do not have a charter, but we have a technical project proposal [1] and a list of fundamental requirements [2].


I am not sure if this addresses your comments, as I am frankly having trouble to follow them. You are frequently using of neologisms and weird terms. Also you seem to be discussing within a conceptual space that is on a different level than we are interested in.

In short, we have for Wikidata two pragmatic goals:
* Wikidata's first aim is to support the Wikipedias with their language links
* Wikidata's second aim is to support the Wikipedias with the infoboxes

Out of the support for these tasks, other interesting use cases might and are expected to arise.

Until I manage to understand how your comments relate to one of these goals, I will personally take the liberty to ignore your comments.


2012/4/5 JFC Morfin <>
At 17:20 04/04/2012, Stracke, Christian wrote:
Dear all,
I'm sorry bit "jfc" is mixing up different standards and committees (what is easy):

Sorry for the confusion. The problem with ISO and ISO documents is that they are not documented on (i.e. interested in? i.e. interesting for?) Wikipedia.

1. 19788-1, can be found for free at:

2. The Wikidata issue, as I see it, is that we do not start from an architectural framework based on a business plan, charter or TOR. It seems that the current target is to implement a W3C semantic web current-Wikimedia general data-store. This does not consider Wikidata as a major contributor to the future-Wikimedia development.

Agreeing on the role Wikidata is to play in the Wikimedia adaptation to the Internet future should be our first point of consensus. Otherwise :

1. Wikidata is of no direct interest to Internet Users, only to Wikipedia contributors;
2. another Wikimedia project is to be considered as a Wikidata back-end.

Certainly, at a time, there will be a need for a datamodel. But first we need to locate Wikidata in the Wikimedia strategy as a data-collector and as a data-desseminator, not only as a data-store, in a real world where there are five main conceptual channels : (1) Business World diversity (Search Engines, etc.), (2) JTC1, (3) W3C, (4) emergent IUsers [Intelligent lead users: FLOSS, IUCG], (5) Wikimedia. Possibly we have to consider Big Data, and the border with Big Data as it will emerge.

As being on the IUse side, I know that we need a convergence of these channels if we want to attain a good degree of (meta/syllo) data interchange and not multiply costs, complication and lack of progress everywhere (not only in sciences). Wikidata is not only about millions of lonely contributors/authors as Wikipedia  is, it also is about

* ISO 11179  conformant very large sources contributions
* diktyologies (from greek diktyos, network), i.e. dynamically auto-maintained intelligent ontologic spaces. This is a part we have to explore and support with new concepts (such as syllodata: data between metadata), cloud architecture, programming languages. Otherwise Wikimedia will soon be a story of the past, its free commons being copied by many (like and distributed and automatically enhanced by powerfull diktyologies with integrated big (scientific, etc.) data servers.


Project director Wikidata
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