I was silent on this thread mostly due to the following two points:

1. as mentioned several times, a standard for us to be considered must be free. Free as in "Everyone can get it without having to pay or register for it. I can give it to anyone legally without any restrictions." Free of patents. Free as in W3C.

2. I have taken another look at your page, and after starting to read it you simply loose me. You use so many terms without defining them. To give just a few examples:
* "The NIF ontology is incorporated into the ontology for Wikitopics which shapes API designs." I do not know what the Wikitopics ontology is. The section beneath just lists a few keywords, but does not really explain it. I do not know what it means for ontologies to incorporate one another. I do not know what it means for an ontology to shape API designs.
* "Wikipage naming conventions are used to name subobjects in an equally meaningful manner". Equally meaningful? To what? What does this even mean? You completely lost me here. 
* For the key wikipage transclusions, you do not explain what a "formatted topic presentation" is, a "formatted topic index", or a "formatted infobox". I think I understand the latter, but not the previous two. What are they? And if I indeed understand it right, are you saying that infoboxes have to be completely formatted in Wikidata, as Gregor has asked?

In short, speaking for myself, I did not answer because I still fail to understand you.

I hope that helps,

2012/6/8 <jmcclure@hypergrove.com>

Hi all!

Am a bit mystified here! about the radio-silence to this thread or, for that matter, to the [[meta:wikitopics]] document itself.

From wikipedia:

Reinventing the square wheel is the practice of unnecessarily engineering artifacts that provide functionality already provided by existing standard artifacts (reinventing the wheel) and ending up with a worse result than the standard (a square wheel). This is an anti-pattern which occurs when the engineer is unaware or contemptuous of the standard solution or does not understand the problem or the standard solution sufficiently to avoid problems overcome by the standard. 

Thanks !




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