A band is an organisation, not a person.

P17 is deliberately a bit ambiguous so it can be used for those cases where we don't have specific info. We also have specific properties for those cases where we have specific info.

We can have an architect born in Germany who spent most of his career in Lithuania and is one of their most prominent architects.

We can have an Irish band playing traditional Irish ballads who have only worked in the USA for the last 20 years and are almost unknown in Ireland.


On 8 Jan 2015 23:07, "Paul Houle" <> wrote:
There is the cultural factor here that Freebase took an approach which is very similar to the RDFS approach in that they like the idea of defining separate properties like


You can then treat these as subproperties of :AnimalBirthDate which is in turn a subproperty of :StartDate,  or something like that.

Freebase has a metaschema that does this sort of aggregation

To a system designer who puts economy and simplicity first,  there is something maddening about how Freebase defines separate types for "Film Actor",  "TV Actor" and "Theatre Actor",  since you might think an actor is just an actor and that the property to say an actor appeared in a film is almost the same as saying actor appeared in a TV episode;  look deeper of course and you find different modelling needs.  For instance there is a big difference between a TV actor with a recurring role and a TV actor who appears in one episode,  etc.

I think Freebase approached it this way because they had the idea of it being divided into separate "bases" which can managed separately;  this means you get vocabulary tuned to each domain rather than somebody figuring out the grand scheme ahead of time.

On Thu, Jan 8, 2015 at 4:52 PM, Peter F. Patel-Schneider <> wrote:
What then is P17 supposed to be used for?

Could, I, for example, use P17 on the address of the Swiss embassy in Germany and have Switzerland as the value?

"associated" is generally too weak a word to use in describing properties.


On 01/08/2015 01:46 PM, Thad Guidry wrote:

Devils in the details. =)

You used the English word "associated".  That's great.  Then I would propose
to expand the definition of P17 just a bit to add that.

P17 Country - sovereign state of this item ... to ... sovereign state
ASSOCIATED with this item

Then you save the world. =)

Thoughts ? Agreement ?

Secondly, the Description: (Description :colon:  on the Discussion page is defining a Country... not
the description of the Country __Property__..which is the line just above it.
How is the Description :colon: line supposed to work or be really used for ?
Seems like the Description :colon: line is basically describing the Represents
:colon: line.... lol.
Very confusing.

+ThadGuidry <>

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Paul Houle
Expert on Freebase, DBpedia, Hadoop and RDF
(607) 539 6254    paul.houle on Skype

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