I am trying to get alternative names of given names in WikiData with the following simple query:
PREFIX ps: <
PREFIX wd: <
PREFIX rdfs: <
CONSTRUCT {?s rdfs:label ?o}
WHERE { ?s ps:P31 wd:Q202444. ?s rdfs:label ?o}
LIMIT 1000
Initially, the query was much more complex, but I was getting time-outs on the public WikiData SPARQL endpoint. I decided to use Linked Data Fragments to offload some filtering from the server to the client.
comunica-sparql "
https://query.wikidata.org/bigdata/ldf" -f query > given_names.n3
(where "query" is a file with the SPARQL query shown above). Unfortunately, the client tries to get output from the 3rd page, I am getting the following error: