Sorry Thad, I am just a control freak who felt overwhelmed when I took my first steps on Wikidata. My apologies for assuming that most Wikipedians are like me.

On Sat, Nov 21, 2015 at 4:42 PM, Thad Guidry <> wrote:
Jane & all,

On Sat, Nov 21, 2015 at 5:21 AM, Jane Darnell <> wrote:
I think many Wikipedians are control freaks

​That probably is not the best wording to win some hearts and minds, while working towards mutual goals.
who like to think their articles are the endpoint in any internet search on their article subjects. We really need to suppress the idea that the data they have curated so painstakingly over the years is less valuable because it is not on Wikidata or disagrees with data on Wikidata in some way. We can and should let these people continue to thrive on Wikipedia without pressuring them to look at their data on Wikidata

​This is better, your saying everyone's input is worthwhile and valuable.
, which might confuse and overwhelm them.

Careful, you seem to allude that they are incapable of understanding.  Not the ideal choice of words. :)
Please generate less animosity towards others by using thoughtful word choices.  (In essence, there are no others...instead we are one whole family. Humans.)
Use helpful unbiased communication and collaboration with one another.



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