Next week an API will become available at Open Library that provides their available books for an author based on their identifier. This will allow us (if they want it) to provide these books through {{authority control}} on the English Wikipedia and others when they care to have this.

What I have asked the OL is to provide their identifier per author, combined with the ISBN for an author.  When the OCLC or anyone else runs a process to identify the associated VIAF (maybe later the Wikidata) identifiers we have made a next step.

What I have also asked the Open Library is if they can provide us with names in the local language of the publications. This allows us to ask people who know the language using Mix'n Match  to identify the authors and maybe add Wikidata items. When we then iterate this process with the OCLC (or whoever) to add the VIAF identifiers, we slowly but surely provide a better service to all the readers of the world.

I do care that people read and make the best possible use of the services of the Open Library, all the libraries in the world or our projects. Our aim is to share in the sum of all knowledge. Making this possible with Wikidata makes me proud to be involved in Wikidata.

PS More details next week.