Is the the only result you are expecting?

I have rewritten the query a bit, since the wdt prefix is a bit redundant if you you are iterating over qualifiers and references, but in those results exists.

This is the query:

Regards Andra

On Thu, Mar 5, 2020 at 11:31 AM Olaf Simons <> wrote:
Dear list,

I was trying to run a Sample query from Wikidata on our page but I do not get the result I was hoping for. Can anybody give me an idea what I am doing wrong?

This is Wikidata's original Script:

this is my adaptation for FactGrid:

and this is a FactGrid Item where this should work:

the man is proposed for an Illuminati Membership P91+Q38779. I want the query service to fetch the answer on the reference statement P51 primary source (and realise that my searches do not pay respect to the Q38779 focus). (Maybe the scripted focus does not even work on Wikidata...)

Thanks for the clue,


Dr. Olaf Simons
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